Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

Analysis result comparision with other CAE tools as like ANSYS or MSC/NASTRAN or Abaqus

I already review your white paper about data comparision between COMSOL and SnS solver.

Howevert, the most of major companies used the high-end CAE software.

if you have compare the SnS Solver result compare with other high-end commercial CAE software inculding  ANSYS or MSC/Nastran or Abaqus for linear static structure analysis, then please let me know.

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Scan&Solve has been benchmarked against several "high end" CAE analysis tools, and we are quite confident in its performance.  I put "high end" in quotes because I am not sure what that means:  types of analyses?  features?  cost?  complexity of user interface?  percentage of models that cannot be meshed?  :-)  

Regardless, we prefer that such comparisons are done by others, who are more objective and credible.   All tools have advantages and disadvantages, and all can be broken.   In fact, several such tests have already been performed by users and posted on the forum.  Here are some of  them:  Ansys comparison, Abaqus comparison,  and Solidworks comparison.   Hopefully,  we will see more of such comparisons in the future.  Please post!



Thank you for your quick reply.

I think the "high-end" means the capabilities of complex geometry and hugh sized mesh handing.

it means also the accuracy and reliability of CAE analysis result.

It will also include the versatail analysis capabilities.



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