Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

Will Scan&Solve be able to calculate de déformation of Vacuum vessels with local reinforcements and local openings equiped with closing plates?

(Chamber thickness 30mm stainless steel, overal dimensions 2mx3mx5m

Reinforcements on chamber wall of 15mmx200mm equally spaced on outside of walls

openings dimensions 0.3mx0.8m)

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The answer to any question starting with "Will Scan&Solve be able to calculate ..."  is always YES, provided that the model is a valid solid in Rhino.    If S&S fails to calculate,  it would be because of a bug,  not because of a limitation of the software.    However,  this is not a question one wants to ask.    The real questions are how long it will take to compute and how good the computed answers are.    The type of the thin-wall structure you are describing is always challenging because the very high size/feature (thickness) ratio may require very high resolution for accuracy,  or special 2D curved elements that Scan&Solve does not use.    You can find out more about current S&S assumptions and limitations in the documentation.


Finally,  why not just try it?   It is very simple, would be a lot faster and more educational ... and then you could share your conclusions with the rest of us! 



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