Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

Crash when pressing done with two solved items


I have a file that keeps crashing. It has a number of closed polysurfaces in it but I have analysed only two with SnS. It crashes after pressing the Done button on the second analysis.

Is SnS capable of analysing more than one polysurface?



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Yes, you can analyze more than one polysurface in a single Rhino document, with one caveat:  Do not attempt to have more than one session of SnS open at a time.  Scan&Solve won't currently prevent you doing this, but the resultant crashes probably will... :-(

If you are experiencing repeatable crashes with single execution of SnS, please send your file to with instructions for repeating the crash.  It would be a tremendous help in debugging.



I'm seeing the same thing as Nick.

Multiple solids, analysed one at a time, but frequent crashing.

I crash either after exiting the SNS box and saving the analysis data, or saving the Rhino file.

I also notice some mix-up with my torque axii : when moving from a solid to another, my axii get changed.




One thing to check regarding the crashes is to be sure the models you are analyzing are reported as:

  • Valid polysurface.
  • Closed solid solid polysurface with xxx surfaces.

For some reason, Rhino is unable to correctly compute volume and surface area of certain closed solid polysurfaces - which can cause Scan&Solve to have problems internally.  I've recently seen this occur with models reported as Invalid polysurface, despite being closed solid polysurfaces.  You'll have to check with a Rhino expert how such model geometry can be fixed.

In the next software update we'll add a check for validity of the polysurfaces before proceeding to operate on them.




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