Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

Announcing Scan&Solve™ for Rhino: Stress Analysis Made Easy

Scan&Solve™ for Rhino is a new plugin from Intact Solutions that completely automates basic structural testing of Rhino solids. No simplification, healing, translating, or meshing is needed. Depending on complexity of your shape and chosen resolution, you may need to wait for a few minutes, but the results are worth the wait!

Simply pick the material, choose restraints and specify loads on the faces of the solid model:

(click for larger image)

Hit the go button to see the predicted performance (strength, weakness) of your shape:

(click for larger image)

Download an absolutely free beta version of Scan&Solve™ at

No prior experience in structural analysis or finite elements is required!

Views: 1623


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Comment by Bob Johansson on May 1, 2012 at 3:21pm

Here is more freeware for the analysis of airfoils.

Comment by Bob Johansson on April 29, 2012 at 1:20pm
Comment by Bob Johansson on April 29, 2012 at 1:19pm
Comment by Bob Johansson on April 29, 2012 at 1:14pm
Comment by Bob Johansson on April 29, 2012 at 12:16pm

There is alot of freeware for propller and wing design available.

I will upload some software which might help you determine

Cd and Cl for each wing  section and hence the applicable forces.


Rhino has a "Split line" command. It works great.

Comment by Karl Witt on April 29, 2012 at 10:08am
Thats pretty much what I did with a spreadsheet to estimate the bend on my wing. I am not modeling a propeller. It might be possible to split the face and apply a pressure to only one side, which is probably the closest approxation available in scan and solve.
Comment by Bob Johansson on April 28, 2012 at 1:44pm

Comment by Bob Johansson on April 28, 2012 at 1:15pm

A propeller blade is divided into sections and each section is analysed

according to its cross sectional shape. To be accurate on the analysis you

will have to determine the thrust coefficient for each section, and from that you can

figure out the force on respective sections.

Comment by Bob Johansson on April 27, 2012 at 4:30pm

Without a way to apply a uniform paraboloic load distibution along the

length of the propeller vane I would break the propeller up into sections

along its length using split lines. Then I would calculate the load at the center

of each area according to its tangential velocity, planar area and coefficient for

drag or thrust.


The smaller the area, the better my approximation would be for the actual load distibution.

Comment by Bob Johansson on April 27, 2012 at 3:19pm


The load distibution looks like it parabolic, since the tangential velocity of the propeller is

directy propotional to the radius or distance from the hub; and the applied thrust force and

drag is proportional to the velocity squared. 

Scan and Solve has a hydrostatic load condition but nothing that would apply a parabolic load



If version 1.6 of Scan and Solve allows scripts to be written; maybe, a script for parabolic load distibution could be written.


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