Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

It could be great if I could define separately the resolution of volume regions. Example: If a have a vessel I'd like to define an accurate external region and a central cylinder with lower resolution.

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Ah, I see that you have a great imagination! In fact, you are very much on the right path here.
This is not only possible, but is already demonstrated (and published) in a research setting.
In fact, you can have many overlapping grids with different resolution and even scale.
... putting it in a product is a different matter ... this could take some time ...
particularly at the rate you add items to the wish list! :-)

But thank you!
I'm excited about S&S and having previously worked as a tester for some FEM software is natural to look for those features and any weaknesses that I know from experience are important. I hope this is not a problem.
My desiderata are not intended to be a criticism, on the contrary I think that S & S has great potential! This is something really new and in the CAE world true innovations are so few!
Matteo, OF COURSE, this is not a problem. This network was created precisely for this purpose, and we all benefit from open and honest discussion, as well as comparison to other software capabilities and features. Thank you for your enthusiastic comments!



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