Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

I've just attended to a webinar about SpaceClaim 2011 and its new functionalities about STL and the possibility to work directly on 3dm format. It would be great to have S&S as a SC plugin: the most flexible structural simulator and the most flexible CAD tools together!

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SpaceClaim is well aware of Scan&Solve,  but there is very little business case for it within SC. SpaceClaim is working closely with ANSYS  and most of their customers are ANSYS users.     To support software development,  one needs either  thousands of customers  (this is Scan&Solve intended model),  or to charge thousands of dollars (this is SC/ANSYS model).    You see the problem? 


On  the other hand,  can't you just use SC models in Rhino?

Hello Vadim, your comments are very agreeable, I was writing from a technical point of view, not commercial.
Ansys is a very powerful tool, but not suitable for users not specialized in structural analysis: it is difficult to use and its price is very high.

Yes, I used SC models in Rhino (you can see the video about the load cell)



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