Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

Dear All, 

I am exploring the functionality of SnS via testing of some complexity geometric models. I am in a situation in which I have a collection of 200+ nurb surfaces (all individual closed surfaces). How could I apply SnS to this situation? 

Is there perhaps a way to run SnS on a Mesh? Or perhaps run an iterative procedure to use SnS on
each nurb surface in turn?

Any comments or suggestions much appreciated. 



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Well, I am not sure exactly what this object is, but I doubt that you will be able to do stress analysis on it with *any* analysis software. First of all, I am not sure what this structure is physically: 200+ wires? how are they attached together? This is probably critical, unless they are just welded together. If they are welded into a single solid structure, then you could simulate this by unioning all the individual wires into a single solid in Rhino ... which could be a project in itself.

If you manage to reduce the geometric model to a single solid, then you should be able to run Scan&Solve on it ... and even get some predictions on deformations and stresses ... after waiting for some time. But I would be very skeptical about the accuracy of the computed values, because 100,000 elements (max resolution) will not be enough to resolve the small geometric features in your model -- combination of very long thin wires and many small gaps between them.

This is one tough model!



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