Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

First of all great work on this plugin! Looking promising after some tests.

Is it possible to access SnS trough rhinoscript?  I know some plugins provide these through something like Rhino.GetPlugInObject("AnalyzeStress")

Would be great to do some formfinding + optimisation?



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Sorry to disappoint, but the Scan&Solve functionality is currently only accessible through the SnS command and accompanying dialog. Your idea of formfinding+optimization is a particularly good application for since Scan&Solve technology removes the barrier of meshing.

I can envision scripting being available in the future, but I need input on what functionality users such as yourself would require/expect. I'm also quite new to Rhino (since May 2010) so I'm not familiar yet with the syntax of Rhinoscript, or how to write the interface to expose the necessary functionality.

Let's continue the discussion with suggestions by members on what commands a Rhinoscript interface to SnS would contain. We won't be able to act on the suggestions immediately, but it will guide our thinking as enhancements are made to the SnS plugin and the underlying technology.

Thank you,

Scripted SNS would be very useful! For example analyzing many load cases would be a typical scripting task.

I think it is explained in the SDK docs how to enable script access. Sorry I do not have it installed right now, but as far I remember it is pretty straight forward.

I could not find it on the wiki, anyone else knows where to find that info? Jon?

Hi Jess,

I hope you're well. I think this is a good starting point:

The developer wiki still needs some sorting, some duplicate links that lead no where and this one was not labelled very well.



Hi everyone,


What I'd appreciate most for scripting is the possibility to obtain a number (stress, displacement, danger level) at a certain point (also within the volume, if possible). Another feature could be the extraction of a point cloud resembling the Volume (with adjustable resolution), each point again assigned with its value as its object name. I see there is already a way to pick a point and get its value (yet only on the surface) so I hope this is something not too hard to implement.

One more thing on my wishlist (again, not neccessarily as a rhinoscript command, but something to pave the way):

In addition to baking the mesh, it would be helpful to be able to extract the coloured surfaces with their corresponding colour scale.


Both of these features could then be used in rhinoscript for form finding / optimization without there being a specific rhinoscript command.





Hi Michael,

working with scripts offers several very interesting features to designer's job.

Consider, for example, the possibility to "automate" some analysis tasks, such as re-running SnS analysis with different design configurations that user can set with the actual potential scripting commands.

I worked a lot in the past with rhinoscript with the aim to make easier some design operations, and I believe that SnS, which only requires very few user settings, may be part of this design process.

So, I hope you may make SnS accessible for scripting very soon.




Some method of automating would be very useful for optimizations. 


Any command that is accessed via the command line can be automated with rhinoscript or rhinocommon (perhaps other automation methods too, though I can't comment on those from lack of experience).


So simplest way to allow automation is to ensure all of your commands and options for your commands are accessible via the command line. Where this becomes a challenge is when you have commands that call on large dialogue boxes with a lot of options. Rhino command developers usually set up there commands so that a dash (-) prior to the command doesn't bring up a dialogue box but rather provides all of the command settings directly in the command line. Take a look at: '-patch' for example.


Creating commands for native rhinscript use would be nice, but It would be faster and good practice to ensure all of your command options can be accessible via the command line.


Hope this helps and looking forward to getting started with Scan&Solve (soon as you get multi body working, that is :-)





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