Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

Rhino Modeling Method for " Welded" Square Tube Frame ?

Hi Group,


It seems like a new day is dawning for Rhino with the addition of Scan and Solve and Grasshopper!


I have been using Rhino for many years and I was wondering how to set up a square tube frame work that can be simulated in scan and solve.


I usually use extrusions to represent square tube members and in the past have not really had the need to join the members together to form a solid for FEA simulation.


I have attached a pic of part of the frame. When I try to boolean the members any part of the frame work that is completely encosed eliminates the cavity in that tube and becomes a solid.


Is there another modeling method or a different way to to set this up in scan and solve that would reasonably represent a welded tubular frame for FEA simulation?


Thank you


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Hi Craig,


I  had the same experience and took some time to resolve the issue.

To avoid this issue, I always put a small hole on the tubular member or on the other member which caps the end of the tubular member.

Please try!





That is an excellent idea! I will try it.

Thank you!



Looks like Takeshi's method may get around the immediate problem,  but I wonder what McNeel developers say about this.  Is this the expected behavior?  Sounds like a bug to me ...

Hi Vadim,


I will post an inquiry to McNeel to see.


Thank you


Hi Vadim,


Putting a small hole in the extruded tube members before the boolean union does allow the model remain solid.  (Many thanks to Takeshi!)

After reading through the online doc section on how scan and solve works I have a question.


Does Scan and solve calculate my square tube frame members as solids only or does it take into account the internal cavities and calculate a true square tube with and 1/8 wall?


Thank you


It looks like I missed the last question -- my apologies.   Scan&Solve always work on the native geometry with all internal details as represented in the solid.    However,   accuracy of the  simulation results depends on resolution,  and small features such as thin walls may require very high resolution.  See this discussion in the documentation. 



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