Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

Possibility to introduce special materials (composites) using experimental stress-strain curve

Hi All,

I'm working with Composites wpc materials, which don't have a linear behaviour. I would like to ask the possibility to introduce experimental stress-strain curve in order to evaluate more realistic deformations and results.Not only staying with the Max stress and E Module.

The experimental strain-stress at different temperatures will be aslo helpful.

Thanks for your consideration. The software works great!!!

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We are really glad to hear that you like the software and are grateful for the suggestion.     I assume that you are interested in modeling non-linear material behavior (is this right?).    If so,  this fundamentally changes the nature of the assumed mechanics model, making computations much more difficult.    Specifically,  if I understand your message correctly,  the solution now depends on the value of strain, and strain itself is an unknown to be solved for.  These kinds of situations require iterative solution procedures,  where a linear model is solved at every iteration ... and the solution may or may not converge.     So yes,  this can be done,  and we will ad this to the list,  but this is a fairly major undertaking.  


If I misunderstood and you meant something else,  please tell us!




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