Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

First of all let me tell that I'm impressed by the excellent work done.

As a 100% Rhino user I was dreaming of a plugin like that for a looooong time so I'm definitely tuned on S-N-S by now :)


My questions:


- do you plan to allow interactions between multiple objects (non dynamic)?

- ...with different materials (ex.: a steel ball over a glass sheet)?

- does the solver deals with gravity (self weight based on material)?


I did some calculations ad it's fantastic how easy and flawless is to solve without meshing!


Btw I registered a couple of "insuffcient memory" reports, on a single cpu laptop with 1,3GB of free RAM during the calculation of simple objects (only 180MB used by Rhino).


Best regards








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Thank you for your kind words. We hope to prove that some dreams can become reality!

The short answers to your questions are YES and YES, but not at the same time.
You can expect to see gravity functionality in the next few weeks or a month; Multiple objects (aka " glued assembly") will take longer -- partly because of all the testing that needs to be done, but also because it will change the user interface quite a bit.

This is why we really want to know the kind of applications people are working on. Can you show (or post!) some of the problems you have solved or would like solve? It would be very helpful.

Michael will reply on your "insufficient memory" report. I only answer the easy questions :-)
Great news, with gravity we can test structures and steel frames and play freely with parametric geometry.
The impact of Scan and Solve in the world of Rhino users can be enormous :)

In this moment I'm working on a structure, a modular steel frame covered with glass panels.
Glass requires some care, so I was wondering about using objects (steel) as restraints for the panels I'm testing, in order to optimize the coupling between steel and glass all over the frame.

If you really want to make an architect or an engineer happy just add an easy wind functionality...:)

The memory requirements can be sensitive (and somewhat unpredictable) depending on the shape of the geometry , the boundary conditions you apply, and the resolution you choose. This is especially true during the "scanning" phase of the analysis. In some cases (somewhat counterintuitively and without going into esoteric technical details) you can reduce the memory requirement during the "scanning" phase by increasing the resolution.

We've found that once "insufficient memory" is reported by Scan&Solve it is best to restart Rhino, as this ensures the memory is released. I've made a note to add code to predict and minimize these out of memory conditions (or at least their impact) and avoid having to restart Rhino.

It would be very instructive to me to see the geometry and boundary conditions you are applying to help us improve and optimize the algorithms. Can you show us, or even better provide us with the model? We won't publish or share it (unless you'd like us to).

Thank you for trying Scan&Solve and for your comments.

~Michael Freytag
I was just trying to visualize the torsion on a tubular section.
The model is very simple and solves correctly, but if you elongate the rectangular beam, moving the external face, then appears the Insufficient Memory message.

Hope it helps.

Thank you



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