Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

Here are some of my interests:


1] applying nonuniform loads to edges and faces

2] modeling layered composite materials, each layer being orthotropic

3] modeling mold filling

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Thank you. Interesting. Let's focus on (1). How would you like to describe nonuniform loads over faces? Presumably as a function ... of what?

I do not think that you want to specify loads on edges, because it is not physical ... but I could envision specifying some function over the edges as a first step in interpolating a load over a face ... In other words, it may be possible to prescribe nonuniform load as a function that interpolates load values over edges, and each load function over an edge could be expressed in terms of edge length, or something like that. This may be easy for simple faces.

Or are you thinking something else. Do you have a particular example in mind?
For example, wings usually have desreasing lift loads from root to tip, and some sort of curved distribution from leading edge to trailing edge.
I figured out that narrow strip loads can be applied by splitting the surface in Rhino, then applying loads to that strip in Scan&Solve, so the edge question is moot.
So you found a method for approximating "non-uniform" loads by subdividing the face into smaller regions, and applying a piecewise-constant load over the faces. Very nice. Still a larger question about how to specify such non-uniform loads in general remains. Also, it may be important for load to be continuous over the surfaces ...

Any chance that you may post some of your computed results? -- either as pictures or in the forum under "Solved by S&S" category?
It would be useful to be able to choose load direction by selecting a plane (planar surface) or a line or a couple of points.
Another interesting tool woolud be "total load at point": I select a surface where the load will be (linearly) distributed and a point where the resultant must be applied (the direction of the resultant would be defined as above or by a vector as it happens now).



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