Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino
I was wondering if there is a way to export SnS calculation as a spreadsheet with x,y,z coordinates of each calculated point and corresponding stress and force values at that location.
The generated html report only seems to include peak values and input forces.
I know there is a way to find calculated value for each individual location using Mark Point function in view tab, but i would like to obtain exported data for every single point in the model.
My intention is to use SnS calculations as an input for parametric model, most likely in grasshopper.
Thank you in advance.
Hello Daniel,
SnSScript has functions to query the solution at any point from within a RhinoScript script.
In the SnSScript documentation you'll find a script ("Solution Sampling") that uses 3 nested for-loops to generate a grid of points that cover the bounding box for the geometry, queries the solution at these points, and writes the solution values out to a text file.
Does this help?
Thank you for your response.
Using the script you linked I managed to produce a 15mb .txt file with a list of coordinates at which the solution was queried, but the db1value, which is added after each set of coordinates is empty. No value is displayed
My workflow is as follows:
1. I assign materials/restraints/loads to the object using the plugin. Then i run the simulation
2. After the simulation is completed, i open rhinoscript, copy-paste "Sampling Example" script
3. I click on the object, use default 0.1 value in the pop-up window that opens.
4. I run the script. Window opens asking where to save the RS_output file.
I am using Rhino 4.0 and 32bit version of SnS for students.
Do I have to use rhinoscript to start the simulation as well to obtain the data?
Hello Daniel,
Sorry to be bearing bad news... SnSScript is a WIP that is operable for holders of Academic and Commercial licenses only. It doesn't work with Student licenses.
This is really unfortunate, as such plain data export would be probably one of the most useful features of the program.
Would the SnSScript work on evaluation version?
Unfortunately, SnSScript will not work with the evaluation version. The restriction on student licenses is not by intent -- it is just that we have not had a chance to release additional versions of SnSSscript for other license holders while it is in WIP mode. We will try to remedy this once SnSScript moves out of the WIP. Send us a private email explaining what you are trying to do, and may be we can help.
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