Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

3rd semester architecture exam FAUM - Multimedia course - using scan and solve in concrete structures

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The Multimedia course in held on Facultad de Arquitectura Universidad Mayor of Chile, FAUM (
The students had to deal with the problem of the negotiation between physical and digital models and their architectural representation.
This course is given at the Third semester of the Architecture degree program
The students where asked to build a folded surface that containt free program, using concrete, their digital models where constructed in Rhinoceros and they used Scan and Solve to test the resistance of the structure.
By using this technique they where able to identify zones in the structure that where dead weigth as well as danger zones, where they had to reinforce the plastic cast with steel elemenents.
Taking this in consideration, they could modify the structure, making lighter by projecting nurbs curves generated by using the triangular elements that conformed the surface.
Scan and solve was an easy to use software, as a matter of fact, they had much bigger problems with the modeling, since sns requieres solids.
This could be difficult to any person who is beggining to use rhino.
Here are some pics of their work
Best Regards
Mario Vergara
Multimedia Instructor



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