Scan-and-Solve for Rhino

Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino

hi all,

I'm new and i'm learning Scan & solve, I have to do a simulation of a solar panel under stress to see if it breaks or not.

In my model I put a force directed toward the outer edge (-z).

1) How do I see if the panel will break with a load applied?


In my report (attached) what it means to:



                                                                            Minimum                    Maximum

Danger Level (von Mises) 4.07145e-05  Criterion Limit Exceeded
Danger Level (Max. Shear Stress) 8.94331e-05  Criterion Limit Exceeded
Danger Level (Rankine) 1.8392e-05  Criterion Limit Exceeded
Danger Level (Coulomb Mohr) 3.11072e-05  Criterion Limit Exceeded
Danger Level (Modified Mohr) 1.8392e-05 

Criterion Limit Exceeded

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Giuseppe,  for some reason,  we cannot read the file you uploaded.   Can you please check and perhaps upload it one more time.  Maybe print it as a pdf file?


"Criterion Limit Exceeded" implies that S&S computation predicts material failure according to this particular failure criterion.   Different criteria apply to different materials,  and different materials fail in different ways.  Glass may crack, but metal will deform, etc.   See more in this in documentation.   ... and of course, remember that this is just an approximate computation, and you should always run S&S at different resolutions and for a range of boundary conditions to gain insight.

thanks my report is this..

But Factor of Safety is 1?



The Danger Level is basically  the reciprocal of the factor of safety.  To quote from documentation:  it is the ratio of the computed value of the selected failure criterion to the threshold value known to cause failure of this particular material.    For example,  in your report,  the max computed value for the Von Mises stress criterion is 473273 psi,  which is almost 7 times more than the tensile yield strength of 69618.1 psi for your material.  So this does not look good.     But you should run at different resolution and check whether the high  stresses are widespread or are located at isolated points, etc.    I cannot tell much from your report, because there is something is wrong with graphics on your machine ... and I cannot even tell which version of S&S you are running. 


It's possible in Scan&Solve to do a fatigue simulation?

Not in the current version.
do you know antoher software for fatigue simulation?

If you know the loading spectrum that is going to be applied to your solar panel, then with fatigue data for the material that you are using together with Miner's rule, you can easily calculate the likely endurance of the panel.  The main problem is always going to be acquiring the fatigue data as they tend to be expensive to generate and therefore to purchase.




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