Simulate Early, Simulate Often... In Rhino
I am trying to analyze a thin-member waffle structure. The overall size is approx. 20'x30', but it is made up (initially) of 20ga. steel sheets in a waffle config approx. 16"o.c x & y spacing, with a top sheet. I am running SNS 1.6.1. is it possible to analyze this structure as a whole given that the members are so thin & so large? my initial attempt ran about 14 hours but did not get past maybe 60% on "building integration tree". Running a Dell Precision M6700 with intel's i7's @ 3.2GHz. I did one a couple years ago in 20ga, & had to adjust resolution- not sure where res. was set, but it was not nearly this large. The Rhino file is 8.5MB so I cannot post here. Possibly I could run it in pieces, but there are cantilevers that may not reflect properly - or as accurately as I'd like - as compared to if it were run as a whole.
Any help anyone could share would be great. Thanks in advance . . .
Would the newer SNS 2014 have a better chance of it maybe? It looks like I'd be able to dial in the resolution better, but my calcs will only go as fast as my processor correct? - maybe I'd be better off estimating the structure as a skeleton & using SpaceGass to approximate the structure & analysis?
Hello Mike,
There are a couple of things that you could try that will improve Scan&Solve's handling of the structure. If you were to analyze it as an assembly of individual plates in Scan&Solve Pro Beta, this could help your solution time compared to analyzing it as a single solid. This depends on if you have an earlier model saved before you merged the plates together.
You can download the beta version here. When setting up the simulation, you can select all the components at once to add them as the same material. Also, selecting the DSS solver under "Settings" will make sure it solves quickly once the integration step is completed.
I was able to analyze a similar structure in about an hour at 50,000 element resolution in the beta version. If you are more interested in displacements rather than stresses, you may not need a resolution higher than this.
Let me know if you have any questions! Hope this helps.
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